viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013



Conciencia Matrix  : Chacras y Mental (Español)

Conciencia Matrix  : Chacras y Mental  (English)

Conciencia Matrix  : Chacras y Mental  (English)
The Matrix Consciousness :
Today we will discuss, the Resonance Matrix, What is the Matrix?
The Matrix is a system devised by the Anunnakis demiurges to enslave the human being, from their origin.

It has 2 structures one is outside and the other in the human physical body
1.-Matrix Exterior has a centred cubic structure in the core outside the human physical body in the RE-CONEXION electromagnetic grid planetary outwards.
2. - Matrix Interior, has a resonance structure Matrix in human physical body.
Today we will discuss Resonance Matrix Consciousness:
The Matrix of the Human Body Resonance:
The Resonance is what is commonly tells Consciousness this integration gives by: E l human physical body, dimensional beings,
system of slavery.
These three elements, Fused form a consciousness within the human bodies, accepted and allowed by s ourselves.
1.-Human Body, physical shell.
2.-Being dimensional original soul.
3.-Matrix Systems of Anunnakis enslavement.
First we need some definitions. so you can understand
 exactly what I am talking about,
to continue to explain about the resonance.
we have to go back to the  from the beginning, starting Anunnaki have to breed.
The Anunnaki were responsible for the design and development of the physical human body.
The physical human body, was initially designed as a vessel. to enslave dimensional beings.
Why slaves?
the earth as we now know, was very different.
The land had abundant gold
And they needed labor to extract gold.
The Anunnaki needed slaves to mine gold.
This was the last reason for the development of man
a strong physical body.
And then dimensional beings with souls, would become, as a force of life in such vessel, and was designed humans.
They became slaves to mine gold for the Anunnaki
for the gold it could use the Anunnaki.
Also the physical human body was designed in the image and likeness of the three kingdoms of nature on earth.
The design of the physical human body, essentially works exactly as the animals and the vegetables.
and the 3 dimensions of the earth,
That lives in the physical body. 
that makes the physical body works
the essence of life of the physical body
would your soul, what you are, as Soul of a Ser dimensional.
when you die you leave the human physical body on an exhale.
and after living a process of reincarnation, again you enter a new physical body, in other Inhalation.
is like a inhale and exhale
and when you're out, your soul is a dimensional being Separated,
of the souls of the other dimensional beings,
which collectively make up. Integral Beings "first source".
And this separation process is repeated again and again.
but the question is.
Why it works that way?
Does it work well because we have allowed ourselves to separate ourselves from our Self Dimensional?
Why are we forced to be, the essence of life of a human physical body?
Are the systems resonance matrix, not vulnerable?
YES and NO,
But if you think so, then so it will.
And it will manifest as such you believe. Because you are a being dimensional.
So all humanity, collectively, at this very moment, from the beginning, from which developed by Matrix Systems
yet are believing themselves, it is RESONANCE Matrix and his WILL is being separated from his group of Souls, of First Source.

The separateness activity in the existence not just now, has existed since the origin of man, with the arrival of the resonance of the Matrix.

I will say that only now, the souls of the human seres dimensional beings are beginning to realize that they are dimensional beings.
 And they are not the Resonance Matrix full of Egos, Karma, Ts, fears.
recently have begun to ask:
But there is something more, there has to be something more than this!
I'll not say something spiritual within the system Anunnaki, none of that because it would cause another conflict of separation, Since belief systems belong Matrix Resonance of the physical body, and was invented by the Anunnaki, to humans the idolize.
You are, what you have accepted and allowed yourself to become, by your own decision. You are, what your conscious will choose, you are.
That Matrix resonance within you is what you is currently spreading. Dimensional reality of your human being original soul, in conducting
 reality that you are one with the other dimensional beings in the "first source".   Why?
I'm going to start again
The physical human form, was developed as an empty vessel, ok
and dimensional beings, were placed in the vessel
Dimensional beings have an original soul.
Now that soul would be dimensional to become the life force of the vessel - the human physical body
Systems were placed inside the vessel, and the merged and this is called Resonance Matrix Anunnaki and that has a consciousness.
This Awareness produces Forgetting himself for being dimensional, in the vessel, the human body.   it was Merged.
And yes you had to be within the physical dimensional human
Being dimensional original soul, was placed on the vessel to, become the life force of the vessel. To forget that the soul belongs to a group of souls, the First Source
And after these systems (karma egos, fears, chakras, axiatonal lines) were placed inside
3 to merge together in a resonance Matrix.
But not only that:
The systems were also designed in such a way to be programmed and be programmable. Altering the originality of the soul.
For dimensional beings were placed into these physical bodies, they could not remember their origin, original souls.   And believe you are Egos, Karma and Fears.
If not develop and perceive and believe themselves, like Resonance Consciousness Matrix.
Merged so, being original soul dimensional human physical body with matrix systems.
And also for dimensional beings, they were not aware of their slavery.
The Anunnaki were actually becoming slaves, to generate energy and new Infra-dimensional, astral, mental.
1.-As physical energy to extract gold.
2.-As vital energy, feeding Anunnaki.
3. - As astral energy, to create heaven and nirvanas.
April. - As mental energy to create belief system of gods and spiritual manipulation.
With these dimensions Anunnaki, hiding the true dimensions, and the first source.
So completely hide the true reality of the original soul dimensional beings. And the first Fountain with Integral beings.
the Resonancia Matrix, from the origin of human beings, is the consciousness of the mental systems.
Matrix resonance, is the fusion of the three elements of a set.
Souls of Beings dimensionals as the life force of the human physical body. with within matrix systems, running all in one, as a consciousness.

September 2013, Year 2 of the new spiral TIME.